I'm starting this blog of my family life, as a way of reminding me of everyday's graces. As a busy mom of 4 boys ages 18 months to 5 years, I've recently had inspiration to step back and really look at my life through the eyes of my children, not the eyes of outsiders looking at me or my children or my home. I have an absolutely wonderful, loving husband, and 4 completely precious and adroable little boys. I know I am blessed by God beyond imagining, and so I am making a point to change my life from one of survival and accomplishment (with 4 children born in 3 1/2 years, this is what happens!) to one of really living. I believe God has been speaking to my heart the message that I need to relax and let myself really enjoy these days of motherhood that will all too soon past. I'm hoping that this blog will help give me the opportunity to reflect on my blessings, to cherish them, and to share them with those I love and care for.
This is an old picture of my boys, but one of my fav's.
The title of my blog is WE ARE BURHANS. I know with a housefull of men, there are going to be few feminine pretty things, and well, probably no girlie activities. (I resisted the tendency to pick a male friendly background, and chose a pretty one I like!) So, in honor of my men, I think of my family as a team. Each looking out for each other...standing together no matter what. I think of this as our motto. We ARE Burhans. It is our identity, and the glue that holds us together. It is something of which we can be proud, something to fight for and defend, something to cherish.