Sometimes, you just have to let your child choose what they want.
We're getting ready to start homeschooling Evan in a couple weeks.
We're working on converting our finished basement into a classroom.
My parents found this desk for Evan earlier this summer before they moved up here.
It is a great little desk and chair, just needed a paint job to freshen it up.
I had plans to paint them black...I figured that was more durable than white.
I was not thinking like a 5 year old boy.
He did not like my choice of paint color.
He was SURE that his desk and chair should be painted blue.
Oh, ok, I could blue...that might not look so bad.
No, Mommy, not that blue. The blue like on Pablo (see Backyardigans).
Ugh, bright blue.
Are you sure? I'm not sure that will look very good.
No, Mommy. I want bright blue.
Sigh. Ok, we'll go to the store after soccer camp and pick out some paint.
Secretly, hoping I could show him just how wonderful navy blue or even black would classy, you know.
Well, we walked into the paint sample aisle.
Evan, here's the blue section. Do you see something you like.
There it is! Instantly, his eyes fell on this bright blue paint sample.
I pointed out some darker more muted shades.
How about this one?
I'm not going to talk you out of that color am I?
So I gave in.

But, it made my son so happy.
You should have heard him while I was painting.
Mommy, that looks awesome.
Mommy, you're doing a great job.
This is the best...this is exactly what I wanted.
And how can you argue with that.
You're always making me tear up here. Great choices by Evan & Mom! I think the bright blue looks perfect. Wishing you both a wonderful school year!!
I love it. Great color choice! Good job giving in. Sometimes it's just not worth the battle :) Whatever makes them want to learn!!!
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