If you can sew, or would like to try your hand at making a quilt, please check out Amy's blog. Amy is my husband's cousin. She has taken on an ambitious project for a mom with 2 little boys and a baby on the way, but she has an obvious passion for the orphans in Uganda. After reading her blog, I was compelled to make a quilt, and I hope some of you might be able to join me! It's been ages since I've quilted anything, so I'm stepping out on a limb here, but I'm excited to do something that can mean so much to one of these precious children. My own children have so much; to think of children who don't even have a quilt all their own!
6 days ago
Becca do you know what size they need to be?
Becca, you rock! Thanks for sharing with your readers...
And for Bobbi, they want any size they can get. Their children are from one day old to 3 years old.
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