I had this thing when I was a kid....I could fall asleep anywhere, and my parents have the pictures to prove it. I once even fell asleep at the table with my face in my plate of spaghetti. I also used to sleep on my tummy with my knees bent and my butt up in the air.
Well, the smallest apple hasn't fallen far from the tree. Owen often falls asleep at the table. Yesterday, I thought he was awfully quiet, I turned around from my desk chair, and found my little angel had just plopped himself down on the floor and drifted off to lala land, of course, holding mommy's water bottle. (I love how he crossed his ankles!)
Later that day, I discovered why the little O-man was so tired. He came down with the dreaded stomach bug. It's awful to see your sweet baby sick, but I did enjoy some good cuddling with him...holding him and seeing his precious face against my chest, his rosie cheeks, his long eyelashes as he slumbered peacefully listening to the sound of his momma's heart. He wanted to be held all the time. Thankfully, today, he's on the mend, and much better, but he's back to not having much time for cuddling. He's got things to do, forbidden things to get into, toys to play with, and 3 big brothers to keep up with.
I discovered how much I miss those baby days, when your baby lets you hold them for hours on end. Those days are behind me now. Now, I just have to sneak a quick cuddle whenever I can, and make the most of sick days!
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