Have you ever had those moments when you hear your words repeated back to you? I feel like I live with a bunch of tape recorders lately. Tonight Carter did something, I'm not even sure now what it was, and Evan in an exasperated tone, said, "I'm not surprised. Why am I not surprised?" I could have sworn my man was in the room, but he wasn't. Just his little tape recorder.
Tonight Carter said he had a crack in his butt and he needed to fix it. He then made power tool sounds and turned his hands. We have no idea where that came from! He did mention other parts of his body were cracked and needed fixing too, so I don't think he really knew what he said. Ben and I got a good giggle out of it, though.
Derek is getting much better at saying prayer for meals. I love hearing them put their own thoughts together of what they want to say to Jesus. They generally stick to the same things, but they occasionally throw in something new. He prayed the other night, thanked God "for the food, for Mommy and Daddy and everybody else, and thank you for the table, in Jesus' name, Amen. Praise the Lord. Hallelujah!" (He insists on saying that after every prayer.) His brothers wanted to know why he prayed for the table, and I said "well, it's ok to thank God for the table, because it would be hard to eat our food without it." Derek said, "Yes."
Here's a picture of my boys on Memorial Day. I love the flowers on the bushes behind them. We all wore Old Navy flag tees that day, and I had picked up American flags for the boys to wave at the parade. I reminisced with Evan, telling him about Memorial Days when I was a kid. We had a record (yes, a record!) of patriotic songs that we would put on the stereo, and each of us girls had a flag and we would march around the house singing the songs and waving our flags. I think my mom was determined we'd be proud Americans!
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