Mini Marshmallows, of course! Nothing like eating pure sugar! Well, if you use your imagination you might just be able to picture what happened. It went something like this:
Marshmallows flying around the room as 4 little boys attempt to imitate their father, who is throwing the little sugar clouds into the air and catching (or shall I say trying to catch) them in his mouth. At this moment of sugar-induced insanity, no one remembers the well-taught lessons about not eating food that has touched the floor. Nope, not a one. And no one recalls being told that we don't play with our food, or throw food at each other....nope, not a one. And no one is mindful of the rule that you stay in your seat at the table, or use inside voices. Not a one! All kinds of laughing ensued, and I will admit, I joined in the laughing (but not the eating of contaminated marshmallows!). Simple moments like this, just having fun with your children, and (temporarily) forgetting about all the rules...these are the moments to cherish. These are the moments that make all the not-so-fun "follow the rules" moments worth it!
Later, I was sitting with Ben in the recliner, trying to spend a "quiet" moment with him while the boys played, and Owen could not be left out. After moaning and grunting and complaining and whining (him, not me), I pulled him up in the chair with me. Ben said to Owen, "She's mine!" Owen didn't miss a beat, and remembering how he has heard that word used between his twin brothers, piped back, "Mine!" Which of course, elicited a like response from Daddy, and back and forth it went. How nice to be fought over!
And, I can't resist posting this picture of Owen. What after all is a blog post without a picture? Owen was taking a long time getting around to putting his PJ pants on. And he is very adamant at times, that he dress know, he's too old now to have his momma dress him. (Ya, right!) I asked him, do they belong on your head? So, we tried it out to see. And, no, it turns out they do not belong on his head. But what a cute little head it be.

Oh, and speaking of the little "angel".... the other day, we discoverd Owen's talent. Most people are much older than 2 when they discover their gift. Apparently, he is an artist, and his medium of choice is chalk on furniture. I found this:

(Yes, in case you are wondering, that IS a plywood floor, and no it ISN'T part of our design...another one of those long-term house projects that has taken an unexpected turn!)
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