The day started out pretty good, despite the fact that this momma (who is not a morning person) can't sleep in anymore while my children slumber....I'm on a schedule. Those days of snuggling under the covers while my boys slept late are over. They've spoiled me. We got ourselves in gear and got Daddy off to work and everyone ready and in the classroom at 9am. If you know anything about my family, you would know that that is no small achievement!
Evan has been pretty excited about homeschooling, after he got over his disappointment that he wouldn't be riding a bus. So, he had an idea that he wanted to go to school this morning a special way. So, I was the bus driver and the boys all followed me....out the back door we went, down off the deck, around the side of the house, and to the side door which opens into the stairwell that goes from the kitchen to the basement. I did tell him that I don't plan on bundling up in the winter and trecking through drifts of snow to do that. :-)
We had our little opening to the school day with prayer, the Pledge of Allegiance and a few rules about school.
on Phonics and Reading...learning all about the letter Aa. After a snack break for Evan (laundry break for mommy), we delved into our first Math lesson.
(Evan's first worksheets displayed on our bulletin board after class.)
Then it was time for recess. We grabbed the brothers and took a walk around the block, counting all the spots of flowers we saw....Evan stopped counting after 51. And then our day was complete. It was a good day, and went pretty smoothly, minus the Owen distractions. Evan loves to learn...it's going to be a joy teaching him.
Yesterday, in my quiet time I was reading Proverbs 8. It was a great reminder as we started our new adventure in home education....it is wisdom first and foremost that my son needs to learn. He can get knowledge anywhere, but only someone who loves and cares for him like we do is going to teach him how to get wisdom as well. No matter where our children are taught their ABCs and 123s, it is our responsibility as parents to instill in them wisdom...the discretion to know right from wrong...the desire to use knowledge for good. Wisdom is prudence; knowledge; discretion; the hatred of evil, of pride, of arrogance, and of evil and perverted speech; counsel; sound wisdom; insight; strength; justice; righteousness. (Prov 8) These are not the things society will teach my son. I felt God urging me to remember not to lose sight of that when I'm engrossed in the 3 Rs. In that passage Wisdom says, "my cry is to the children of man. O simple ones, learn prudence; O fools, learn sense.......blessed are those who keep my ways, Hear instruction and be wise, and do not neglect it. Blessed is the one who listens to me, watching daily at my gates, waiting beside my doors. For whoever finds me finds life and obtains favor from the Lord." That is my goal for my sweet son. Not that he grows up to be a doctor, or engineer, or lawyer. But that he has a foundation of wisdom, so that he will apply himself to learn all he can, and that he will know how to use that knowledge to do and to be all that God has already planned for him.
I love you, Evan! And I'm so proud of you!
1 comment:
Wonderful pictures from your first day. I'm so glad you posted them. I've been wondering how it went. Thank you for the wisdom an mini-devotional too. I've ALWAYS admired you and today's post reminds of some of the reasons why I do.
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