OK, I know it's not right to brag about your own accomplishments, but is it okay to brag on the accomplishments of the people you love?
I am so proud of my one and only student, Evan!
I just want to publicly give a shout out to the student of the month! haha
As a home-educating parent, I have the added pride of not only seeing him bring home good work, but being there when he accomplishes it.
Teaching him is a very rewarding and fulfilling experience for me.
I'm sure that traditional school teachers feel the same way when their students excel.
He is doing such a good job learning his letters, reading and even spelling; numbers, addition, counting, money, time; and Bible lessons and catechisms.
I thought I'd post a little of his work. I think he has excellent handwriting for a boy who just started Kindergarten 6 weeks ago!
(And he'd like his Gramma to see his school work.)
Of course, I've never taught K-garten before, and since he is my only student, I don't have a comparison.
But his Nana, who taught Kindergarten for about a decade says he has some of the best K5 handwriting she has seen.
Go Evan!
Good job, Buddy!
Evan comes by this commendation rightly...he works very meticulously at writing his letters.
I'm proud of the great effort he is giving, doing his best, and excelling!
A+, Evan!
Keep up the excellent work.
Keep on trying your best, keep on loving learning, keep on being you!
Your teacher is very proud of you!

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