When I was a kid, Summer was my favorite season, probably because there was no school and I could play outside all the time. We had the best backyard! It was huge, and there were woods beyond that with paths and springs. It was a perfect playarea for a little girl and her imagination. We didn't have a lot of toys growing up. Blankets served as our "wagon train", we made mud pies and dandelion stew, I spent hours playing house, school, church, and store (I loved that old Service Merchandise catalog!). I used to read alot. Our church and school were just up the road, and I used to take my "Get Along Gang" rollerskates up to the gym and roll around and around, playing out some imaginary scene in my head. I used to make blueprints of what my home was going to look like when I was a grown woman. For several years we didn't even own a tv when I was young. My imagination was really my best toy. My husband can attest to the fact that I have a very active imagination! :-) He can thank my parents for that!
As I got older and the heat and humidity of NY summers started to annoy me, I found myself loving Spring. The fresh air, the flowers blooming, trees growing new leaves, green grass. Maybe that's because the NY winters (my least fav season) are so hard. Spring in NY is like a breath of fresh air, figuritively and literally. I mean I can really do without anywhere from 4-6 months of snow, freezing temperatures, yellow snow, slush, black ice, having to shovel feet of snow just to shovel through feet of snow just to get to your vehicle, climbing into said vehicle and driving for 10 mintues before it warms up and you thaw. I love having fresh white snow on Christmas, but honestly, I could do without anymore! It was great when I was a kid. That great back yard was like a valley. There were great spots to slide down from behind the house. I didn't mind the cold so much then. We'd come in and warm ourselves and thaw out our mittens on the wood stove. That all doesn't appeal to me so much now. Anyway, when Spring does finally arrive, it's like everything around you finally starts to live again. The tiring dark dreariness of constant winter weather is gone, and the blueness of the sky, and the vivid colors of Spring, just make you feel energized.
As I got older and the heat and humidity of NY summers started to annoy me, I found myself loving Spring. The fresh air, the flowers blooming, trees growing new leaves, green grass. Maybe that's because the NY winters (my least fav season) are so hard. Spring in NY is like a breath of fresh air, figuritively and literally. I mean I can really do without anywhere from 4-6 months of snow, freezing temperatures, yellow snow, slush, black ice, having to shovel feet of snow just to shovel through feet of snow just to get to your vehicle, climbing into said vehicle and driving for 10 mintues before it warms up and you thaw. I love having fresh white snow on Christmas, but honestly, I could do without anymore! It was great when I was a kid. That great back yard was like a valley. There were great spots to slide down from behind the house. I didn't mind the cold so much then. We'd come in and warm ourselves and thaw out our mittens on the wood stove. That all doesn't appeal to me so much now. Anyway, when Spring does finally arrive, it's like everything around you finally starts to live again. The tiring dark dreariness of constant winter weather is gone, and the blueness of the sky, and the vivid colors of Spring, just make you feel energized.
Just in the last few years, I've found that, though I love Spring still, I am beginning to really favor Fall. (except for the reminder that winter is soon coming!) There are so many good things about Fall...the crisp cool air, the brightly colored leaves, the soup recipes that get pulled out of hiding, the fun activities to do with the kids......the sights, the smells, the food, the beauty of Fall.
(The song from Sound of Music cues) "These are a few of my favorite things...."
apples from the orchard taking a bath
Homemade French Apple Pie,
my husband's fav
MMMMMMMM...this one was the best pie I've made.
Came out a little browner than it usually does (getting used to my "new" oven),
but boy did it taste good warm with whipped topping!
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