Friday, February 26, 2010

Waiting for Mr. Wonderful

..ok it's 11:45pm, and my husband has still never made it home from work today. He's got the on-call duty this weekend at work. This looks to be a not so fun weekend for him and for me and the boys, but I suppose if I didn't have heat, I'd be happy to have him show up at my door at 11 o'clock at night. Hmmm...that gives me an idea. Can I sabotage the boiler and call the answering service to send their cutest and nicest tech to MY house? Just kidding, but it would be tempting. However, if I sabotaged our heating system, I think he'd be plenty unthrilled with me!
I tried to keep myself busy (who am I I need to help the boys with that!) because I hate it when Ben's gone at night. I played several high stakes games of Thomas and Friends My First Uno with the boys. I sheepishly admit on my blog that I lost to a 3 year old....3 times!
Nana and Papa came over and ate Tomato Basil pizza and Strawberry Shortcake with us, so we at least had company for supper. I also hate to eat supper without Ben. There's not much I like to do without him! :-(
Funny of the day:
Earlier today, Owen was whining and I was trying to figure out what he was upset about. Then he finally said, "Derek hurt me...on 'poop'ose!" Guess I need to help him pronounce "purpose" correctly....but it was so cute and gave me a laugh.....which was something I needed today!

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