Thursday, February 11, 2010

Where's my horses?

Sometimes, as a parent, it hits you how many figures of speech we use and don't even think about it. You're quickly reminded when your children don't get what you're saying and take you very literally.
Tonight Owen was being very impatient, as 2 year olds are prone to be. He tends to do something my mother-in-law calls "dinging", a habit I'm eager to help him break: Repeating himself over and over, impatiently "waiting" for you to act on his request or to give him your attention. His impatience was wearing thin on my nerves, and I said, "Owen, I'm working on it. Hold your horses." Wrong thing to say. Owen got very concerned and started dinging, "Hold my horses...hold my horses....(while looking through his basket of stuffed animals)....hold my horses....hold my horses.....Mommy, WHERE'S MY HORSES?"
Joke of the day from the 3 year olds' peanut gallery:
Derek: "Why did the hot dogs cross the road?"
Carter: "I don't know. Why?"
Derek: "To get to the chicken on the other side!"
Carter: "That's not funny."

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