Monday, April 26, 2010

Curious Minds Want to Know

For some reason, Carter was very interested at supper time about how he got fed when he was in my belly. It wasn't making sense to him because, as he said, "there wasn't a kitchen in there!"
During the conversation, we were talking about how they were born. All 4 of the boys were born by c-section, so it makes it a little easier to explain the how. :-) Carter wanted to know if there was blood when they cut me open and he said, "But didn't it hurt, Mommy?" So, we tried to explain about how they numbed my whole body. Derek got a very disturbed look on his face when we mentioned the needle and said he didn't want the doctors to give me a shot. I assured him I won't have to have that again, and he felt better. Evan wanted to know how they "put my belly back on". After I told him that they sewed me back up he said very seriously, "I would NOT want to be a girl!" After I laughed, I told him that it's ok, that they were worth it all and I would do it all over again. "You were happy to have your first baby?" he asked. Very. And the next and the next and the next.

Friday, April 16, 2010

Tool Man

Today, Owen figured out how to use the play drill to turn a plastic bolt in a nut. He would tighten the nut onto the bolt, then change the directional switch on the drill and loosen it. He did it over and over again. I think we have a budding Tool Man on our hands. :-) Funny thing is the driver on the drill was a flat head and the bolt was a phillips head, but he made it work anyway. Smart little guy. I especially loved how he was concentrating...with his mouth open.

He has been playing alot the last few days with his "Pat" the hammer from his Handy Manny Talking Toolbox. In an effort to save our walls and furniture from destruction, Ben found him a little block left over from a 2x4, and he has been banging away on it. Good thinking, because he has hammer marks all over that block of wood! Occasionally I have to beg him to stop for a while because my head can't take it. Then he finds the play drill that talks and says "I think you've got a screw loose." Or he takes the tape measure and measures his Ming-Ming (a stuffed animal/pillow from Wonder Pets that is almost as big as he is, that he carries around the house with him), and proudly announces his measurement, "3 inches Ming-Ming". Ok, he doesn't know how to read a tape measure correctly. But he sure is cute trying.
Every day I see him developing more and more...his vocabulary, his actions, his play. Every day he is less and less a baby and more and more a big boy, more and more like his brothers. Every day he makes me smile with his funny expressions and comments. Every day I wish I could stop time. But every day I rejoice with him in his new found independence, skills, and expressions of his personality. And every day I love kissing this face!

Thursday, April 15, 2010

The New Apprentice

Can we fix it? Yes, WE can!
My husband has spent some quality time lately behind the fridge. It decided to stop working correctly, and he has been working to keep it limping along until we could isolate which part was bad, order it, wait for it to arrive, and install it. The other night, he was busy working back in there again, but discovered he had a willing helper.

Ben's new apprentice.
O-Man was very interested in all the goings on (especially the use of the cool head lamp flashlights my parents gave Ben for Christmas.) Ben told O-Man all the names of all the parts, and he was learning them. If it were I, the names would have been hose, thingy, thing-a-ma-jig, another part, etc. Ben however, schooled him in on all the proper names (I was so man sure knows somehow how to troubleshoot and repair a refrigerator.) It was so adorable to see O-Man hanging out with his Daddy, acting like he was really helping him out. I think he was actually more distracting than helpful, but Ben was eating up the fact that his son was so interested in what he was doing. And of course, like any good Dad, he shared his special tool, the head lamps. Good thing it was a 2 pack!

Move over Maytag Man, here comes something cuter!

I just had to smile watching them

and then watching the other boys in the living room. I found Evan reading one of his library books to Carter. It was so sweet, I had to snap a picture.

Then they saw O-Man and Derek with the headlamps and had to try it out themselves.

Turns out, they are also very useful for reading books in poorly lit living rooms.

Friday, April 9, 2010

Fostering A Love of Reading

My first born had his first field trip, and his first visit to the library today. We live in a small town, and the library is actually located in an old house, which is kind of neat. I had to help him focus....even though it's a small library, he was overwhelmed by all the choices and didn't know where to start. But he finally made his choices, and he wasted no time after we got home and had lunch, reading all 4 of them right away. He can't wait to go back and get more books. As his mom and his teacher, I'm thrilled to see his love of reading. And he's feeling so accomplished to be able to pick up books and read them.

Library card he can use at any local library

His literary choices.
I loved that he thought to use one of his choices to get a Pooh book to read to his brothers.

I read alot when I was a kid, and I always had a hard time putting a book down. Maybe he's inheriting my love of a good book.
And thus ends Spring Break...back to school work Monday morning.

Sunday, April 4, 2010


Happy Easter!

"Up from the grave he arose, with a mighty triumph o'er His foes. He arose a victor from the dark domain and He lives forever with His saints to reign. Hallelujah! Christ arose!"

My precious family

after a great day celebrating Christ's resurrection with our special church family

(we were minus a few smiles....apparently, the sunshine was just too bright on this beautiful day!)

Evan (6 years)

Carter (3 1/2)

Brothers, Brothers, there were never such devoted brothers

(not really, we forced them to take this picture....all they wanted to do was lean on each other and knock each other over.)

Derek (3 1/2)

Owen (2 1/2) with his Aunt KK. He loves her.

We had a nice ham dinner with Nana and Papa, and my sister Kristin. Then my sister, Dad and I took a walk to walk it all off while Evan lead on his bike. Such a beautiful Easter Day, almost feels like summer!

Thank you Lord for giving your life for me, forgiving me of my sin, and in your resurrection, giving me a purpose to live, and providing the certain hope of eternity with You. "Because He lives, I can face tomorrow. Life is worth living just because He lives."