Friday, April 16, 2010

Tool Man

Today, Owen figured out how to use the play drill to turn a plastic bolt in a nut. He would tighten the nut onto the bolt, then change the directional switch on the drill and loosen it. He did it over and over again. I think we have a budding Tool Man on our hands. :-) Funny thing is the driver on the drill was a flat head and the bolt was a phillips head, but he made it work anyway. Smart little guy. I especially loved how he was concentrating...with his mouth open.

He has been playing alot the last few days with his "Pat" the hammer from his Handy Manny Talking Toolbox. In an effort to save our walls and furniture from destruction, Ben found him a little block left over from a 2x4, and he has been banging away on it. Good thinking, because he has hammer marks all over that block of wood! Occasionally I have to beg him to stop for a while because my head can't take it. Then he finds the play drill that talks and says "I think you've got a screw loose." Or he takes the tape measure and measures his Ming-Ming (a stuffed animal/pillow from Wonder Pets that is almost as big as he is, that he carries around the house with him), and proudly announces his measurement, "3 inches Ming-Ming". Ok, he doesn't know how to read a tape measure correctly. But he sure is cute trying.
Every day I see him developing more and more...his vocabulary, his actions, his play. Every day he is less and less a baby and more and more a big boy, more and more like his brothers. Every day he makes me smile with his funny expressions and comments. Every day I wish I could stop time. But every day I rejoice with him in his new found independence, skills, and expressions of his personality. And every day I love kissing this face!

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