Sunday, April 4, 2010


Happy Easter!

"Up from the grave he arose, with a mighty triumph o'er His foes. He arose a victor from the dark domain and He lives forever with His saints to reign. Hallelujah! Christ arose!"

My precious family

after a great day celebrating Christ's resurrection with our special church family

(we were minus a few smiles....apparently, the sunshine was just too bright on this beautiful day!)

Evan (6 years)

Carter (3 1/2)

Brothers, Brothers, there were never such devoted brothers

(not really, we forced them to take this picture....all they wanted to do was lean on each other and knock each other over.)

Derek (3 1/2)

Owen (2 1/2) with his Aunt KK. He loves her.

We had a nice ham dinner with Nana and Papa, and my sister Kristin. Then my sister, Dad and I took a walk to walk it all off while Evan lead on his bike. Such a beautiful Easter Day, almost feels like summer!

Thank you Lord for giving your life for me, forgiving me of my sin, and in your resurrection, giving me a purpose to live, and providing the certain hope of eternity with You. "Because He lives, I can face tomorrow. Life is worth living just because He lives."

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