Tonight as I was tucking Evan into bed, I skipped over the story he wanted and told him I would sing him just one song; it was late and past his bedtime after all. I sang "God is So Good". Of course, after I finished he complained that the song was too short. So, I sang another verse. Then we talked about how God had been good to us today...what good things He had given us to enjoy...
We mentioned the everyday goodness He gives us...3 full meals, our family, playtime, etc. We then listed the special blessings of today.
It was a beautiful sunshiney day here today....
we got to see our neighbor and her little boys...
Evan and his brothers got to go on a walk with Daddy while I went to an appointment...
the boys got to play outside in the melting snow and the mud...
I rented "Horton Hears a Who" (Love those Red Box movie rentals....economical and convenient!) and we watched it together as a family....
we had a yummy supper of Chicken Enchiladas (Evan had 3 helpings. I don't know how he keeps his stick figure!)...
we tried a new dessert that everyone loved......

Chocolate Covered Strawberry Cheesecake Trifle. Chocolate AND strawberries.....quite possibly Evan's 2 favorite things in the whole world! It also contains cheesecake and pudding....they come quite high on his list, too.

We both agreed it had been a very good day. So, instead of filling his head with a story, I told him to close his eyes and dream of all the good things that could happen tomorrow. Tomorrow hasn't started yet, and it is full of possibility. He thought that was a good idea. Then he said that being really kind to his brothers would be a good thing in the morning. I agreed.
And then as I tucked the blankets back in close and leaned over to kiss him, I said, "And you know how I know God is so good?" As I placed a kiss on his soft cheek, I whispered, "He gave you to me."
Evan smiled and the look in his eyes told me, that is what he most wanted to hear. Today has been a very good day. And God is SO good to me.
My goodness this is the second time you've made me all teary while reading your blog... or maybe the third. Very sweet and uplifting overview of your day and heart-to-heart with Evan. Coop & I have those kind of talks too and it does make me think that God is SO good to me. BTW, how on earth do you have the time and energy to make a dessert like that! Good heavens, Yum!
That dessert looks so good! You will have to put the recipe up sometime! God is good too. My Abigail wants me to sing "God is so Good" to her every night and sometimes at naptime. I have sung it for an hour many times. I still Love it!
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