Today was...well, one of those days. Our schedules demanded that today I go grocery shopping with all the boys by myself. While we regulary run errands together, I generally try to avoid this when grocery shopping and go at night while the boys hang out at home with Daddy. Needless to say trying to shop at 3 different stores while pushing a double stroller or cart, and pulling another cart, keeping a 5 year old in tow and 3 toddlers happy while confined, and making potty breaks and changing diapers....all while trying to shop, find the best bargains, follow a list, and match up coupons.....well, it's just not as easy as it sounds. :-) At our last stop, an older lady stopped me in an aisle and was asking questions about the boys. This is also one of the reasons shopping takes so long. It seems everyone needs to stop and tell me that I have my hands full (a pet peeve of mine, actually, but I digress), or to ask me if I have twins or triplets, and to tell me stories about someone they know who has twins, or to tell me about their grandchild, etc. While I love talking about my kids, it can get a little distracting and frustrating. I'd love to go in a store just once with the boys, and not feel like everyone was noticing our "circus train." This lady was very nice though, and after talking to the boys and commenting on their adorableness, we went our separate ways in the store. While we were cashing out, she came over to me from the next register and handed me a bunch of daffodils she had just had her cashier ring up. Naturally, I was taken back. This lady who didn't know me, but who remembered what it is like to be a busy and some times stressed mom, wanted to give me a little something to brighten my day. It worked. I brought them home and put them in a vase on my kitchen window sill. I'm thankful for the kindness of a stranger today.
Well, that brought tears to my eyes. What a wonderful blessing. Thanks for sharing.
That's fabulous! They look terrific!Why do you still have snow? :)
Sometimes God sends blessings when you most need it and least expect it. I love when God shows his love in little ways like this. What a blessing :)
Thanks for sharing your bouquet with a stranger, albeit fellow blogger and mother of three sons.
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