Today, Evan got his new glasses. It was upsetting for me to hear the news that something was wrong with my sweet boys eyes. These beautiful brown eyes (they look like sliced black olives!) and the gorgeous long eyelashes. I've loved looking at these precious eyes for the last 5 years, watching them light up with the simple joys of everyday, the little things I would overlook, but that were highlights and joys to him. I watched as these eyes turned from a beautiful deep blue to a brown. I cried when he fell at 15 months and cut his eyebrow open and had stitches (he's got a cool scar now). I've always thought he could see just fine.... he seems to be able to see a Dunkin Donuts or McDonalds a mile away. One of his eyes is 20/20, and so he was seeing just fine with them both, but we discovered that his left eye is not doing it's job. As a mom, you want your kid to be perfect in health. You hope they will have as few challenges in life as possible. The funny thing is that while I was sad to hear the doctor say my boy needed glasses, I looked over and saw those same beautiful eyes light up with a smile. He's not upset, he's not feeling bad about himself. He's thrilled. He thinks he looks cute....and he sure is. He is seeing life from a different view than I am....today he's seeing it with a clearer view. I hope I can see life the way he does. Finding the joy in the things I would normally consider negative. Children have a way of finding the positive in things, the silver lining, as they say. I'm not going to reflect my sadness or fears onto him. I'm just going to enjoy the new view.
1 comment:
I know how you must feel. Naomi keeps telling me she wants glasses and I can't convince her otherwise. She will eventually need them I'm sure because Ken and I both wear them. He does look cute though :)
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