I attempted to help my boys make a snowman today. I realized as I looked out at our dwindling piles of snow, that we hadn't yet made one this season. What a terrible mother I must be, I thought. So I bundled the boys up and out we went all excited. Then, we discovered that we don't have snow...we have tiny little chunks of ice. There was no way we could build a real snowman. Evan and I worked at it, and came up with a pile of the "snow" and figured that it could at least be his head. I looked at this sad excuse for a snowman, who looks like he's melting into the ground, and realized this is an excellent sign of coming spring. Soon this snow will all be gone and we'll be welcoming green grass, flowers, and blossoming trees. I love spring. I've been looking forward to it all winter. Evan on the other hand was nearly in tears....he wanted to make a "snow-moose".
1 comment:
That is a pretty cute pile of snow. :) We haven't made a snow man here either! Cooper did tell me that they made them in daycare, so I feel a little less bad. Loved your points yesterday about seeing the world through different eyes. So true.
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