Wednesday, March 3, 2010

A Most Unusual Drive-Thru Order

How many times have we, since moving to the area 8 years ago, driven through Albany on the interstate, but have never made the trek into the city? It is the state capitol after all, but we never really had reason to go there.
Following Derek's recent seizures, his doctor and a panel of pediatricians suggested he see a pediatric neurologist. And to see one you must travel an hour south to the city of Albany. Not knowing where I was going, I took Ben (and his GPS) with me. I didn't feel confident venturing into the city and finding my way through the large medical complex by myself with Derek. And I really wanted Ben to be able to be involved in this appointment with me. So, he took the afternoon off and the three of us braved an adventure. (Note to not trust GPS 100%.)
We are so thankful for the physician that we met yesterday. She had a great "bedside manner" with Derek, and was very helpful to Ben and I in understanding seizures and how to care for a child who has them. I know I felt better and more at peace about it after consulting with her. She did a complete neurological exam on Derek (which was completely normal), but I don't think he even knew he was being "tested". She made it fun, and even let him spend quite a bit of time playing with her "flashlight". And I was very appreciative for her hesitancy to prescribe medicine for a 3 year old little boy. I was concerned about that. She wants to do more testing before deciding if meds are necessary, and reassured us that most childhood seizures are outgrown by adulthood.
He was a very good boy there, and actually had fun. On the way out the door, Derek said he was hungry for a snack. "I think we should go to McDonalds, " he stated. I think children instintively know to go for the fun stuff when they have a rare moment of mom and dad all to themselves! After the GPS took us a very long way out of our way and into rush hour traffic (next time I'm going to MapQuest the way back from the hospital!), we finally got to a McDonalds. Well, don't you know this very hungry boy who refused to nap on the way to the hospital was now asleep. I tried to wake him and ask him what he wanted. He was really out. "Do you want chicken nuggets, a strawberry shake, a pie?" He mumbled "yes". Great. "Which one would you like?" He mumbled again, and as I started giving him options again, he said, "Maybe some trash."
Good thing our drive thru attendant (who didn't seem to speak English very well) didn't over-hear that request, I wonder what we would have gotten!
I know many of you who read this blog have been asking about and praying for Derek since this began. Thank you for praying for him! We truly appreciate it! We're thankful to know that God is in control and that no detail of our son's life and development is unknown to him. The next step in diagnosis and care is to have a Sleep Deprived EEG later this month. Sounds like fun, huh? Depriving a 3 year old boy of sleep....who ever came up with that idea? :-)

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